There are some people who have the apparent and annoying ability to sail through law exams without any hiccups; it is easy to suppose such people have particular aptitude. However it isn’t necessarily so the key difference between those who do well in exams and those who don’t is the attitude within which exams are… Continue reading Revising and writing your exams
Month: August 2016
The Fallacy of People Power
BY ROLAND YONGYERA The concept of people power remains elusive both conceptually and empirically, and is the ‘most hidden’ part of human relations, and the very concept may be ‘essentially contested’, meaning the subjective assumptions needed to analyse it are inherently value-dependent. This suggests the term itself is ‘polysomic’ and can be defined to include… Continue reading The Fallacy of People Power
Disclosure, Privilege and ‘Orders from Above’
BY ATUHAIRWE AGRACE I’ve been glued to the NCIS series for the past fortnight. This series focuses on criminal investigations into the US Navy and yes, it is fun to watch. In most episodes, the cast refers to words like ‘disclosure’, ‘classified’, ‘eyes only’, ‘top secret’, ‘privileged information’, etc. As I enjoyed the drama between… Continue reading Disclosure, Privilege and ‘Orders from Above’
The Challenge of Meritocracy
BY ROLAND YONGYERA Malia Obama has been in the news of late, the main issue is that she was admitted into Harvard University, most of the critics will say she is the president’s daughter and will even try to say that her admission was a Legacy Preference Admission (one which is due to the fact… Continue reading The Challenge of Meritocracy
A common Purpose
BY ALEXANDER TWINOKWESIGA The Games of the XXXI Olympiad Rio 2016, or rather, the Rio Olympics are currently ongoing. From them, we have taken a few notes worth noting. Beyond the expected successes by icons like Michael Phelps and track athlete Usain Bolt, four notable events, at least from the East African region and African… Continue reading A common Purpose
The immortality of the arbitration clause
BY SAMALI BITALA Supreme court of India in Ashapura Mine-Chem Ltd vs Gujarat Mineral Development AIR 2015 SC(SUPP)1153 In a judgment made by the supreme court of India on the 16th of April 2015, it was held that the arbitration clause in a contract is a separate agreement within the contract; that even if the… Continue reading The immortality of the arbitration clause
How to get a license to carry a gun in Kenya
BY EDMUND KIIRU WAMBUI In the past week, the media has been awash with news about the level of insecurity which seems to have sky rocketed despite assurances from security organs that they are in control of the situation; but there are records that show that the issue of insecurity has become a running horse… Continue reading How to get a license to carry a gun in Kenya
Transgender: Recognising the third gender
BY ALEXANDER TWINOKWESIGA Who are transgender people? During the course of my preparation for this article, a gentleman whom I met and told about what I was working on said, and I quote, that “there is nothing like transgender people. Those are hermaphrodites”. So, it is very important that we define the term. Transgender people… Continue reading Transgender: Recognising the third gender
Community service is better punishment
BY ATUHAIRWE AGRACE No offence goes unpunished, so it is said. In many developed countries, the judicial systems exhibit flexible structures in dispensing justice and punishments for certain offences. The biggest example is the United States judicial system where community service is common. Community service sentences are given to offenders of minor offences or in… Continue reading Community service is better punishment
Top 20 causes of car accidents
BY SAMALI BITALA The media in Uganda and Kenya has reported a lot on road accidents in the past one month; it is unprecedented. Getting into a car accident can lead to several unwanted consequences, including death, permanent injuries, loss of earnings, etc. Why not do everything you can to avoid a car accident in… Continue reading Top 20 causes of car accidents